Make The World Better For Free

Do you want to make the world a better place? Fight climate change? Improve animal welfare? Combat diseases?

Now you can for FREE - while you shop online!
AidMaker is a free program that allows you to make purchases from more than 5,000 online stores such as Apple Store, HMV, and many more.

The great thing is that every time you purchase online via our software, a donation goes straight to the charity of your choice - at no extra cost to you!

If there’s a charity closer to your heart then just download the software and start helping them today

Please click on the banner and download the FREE software

A small program that can make a BIG difference.

Aidmaker is easy to install and completely free.
Aidmaker enables you to make a real difference to your chosen charity whilst doing, what you are doing already:

Shopping online.

Whether you an iPod at Apple, a plane ticket from your favourite airline or bid on an auction at eBay, you can now support your favourite cause for free.

AidMaker also offers you the great advantage of not needing to pass through our website in order to shop. Whenever you visit a shop, AidMaker will tell you if that shop supports a good cause.

We are supported by more than 5,000 online shops and collaborate with over 300 relief organizations around the world. So why not do your bit to make a change, today.

It’s so simple.

There is no spyware, adware or spam. No unwanted advertisements or pop ups.
This has also been approved by Mc Affee

Please click on the banner and sign up NOW!